BrownBag Seminar: Developing 21st century skills with inquiry learning, collaborative teaching, social media, and gamification
TECFA vous invite au prochain séminaire BrownBag, qui aura lieu le mardi 20 mai de 12h15 à 13h15, à Uni-Mail, salle PM09 (Pavillon Mail), avec la participation de Samuel K.W. Chu, Professeur et chef de la division des sciences en technologies de l’information à l’Université de Hong-Kong.
This seminar is based on a book to be published by Springer Science & Business Media in 2014. The book is directed to readers who are doubtful about the conventional didactic teaching approach, and who have an open mind for exploring, experimenting with and putting new pedagogical approaches into investigation and practice. The content of the book is of interest to academic researchers, educators, parents and policy-makers who are concerned about and aware of the drastic changes of the 21st century world, which necessarily have resulted in the shift of skills and knowledge expected to be equipped by students. This seminar provides a preview of the book, covering both theoretical and empirical discussions on various innovative teaching and learning approaches implemented in schools in Asia, Europe and North America. The seminar includes details and findings of research studies that examined the pedagogical values of inquiry projects, collaborative teaching, use of social media and game-based learning in various school contexts, involving students of different subjects, age groups, cultural background and academic performance. An overview on the new educational goal, 21st century skills and the education frameworks around the world with a foci on 21st century skills education will be given to help audience understand the background of the research projects. The speaker will present documented opinions of students, teachers and parents on the investigated pedagogical approaches. A discussion of teaching strategies and schedules, teachers’ roles in the process and samples of assessment materials will also be included.
Date et lieu:
Mardi 20 mai de 12h15 à 13h15, à Uni-Mail, salle PM09 (Pavillon Mail)
entrée libre
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