Brown Bag Seminar – 28 février 2019

FROG – A Research Platform for Flexible Collaborative Learning Design and Orchestration

Stian Håklev

FROG is an open-source web-platform to author (design) and run rich collaborative learning activities. It introduces a concept of pluggable activity types (like video player, quiz, brainstorming or programming exercises), which can be configured by the designer, and connected in a learning graph, with data from one activity being transformed and reused in another (ideas from a brainstorm flowing into a concept map tool), and with pluggable “operators”, which can transform data, intelligently group students, etc. through the use of algorithms and machine learning.
While the teacher runs the class, intelligent visualizations show not only simple facts like how many people have watched a given video, but can provide predictions based upon analysis of student actions with the activities. This platform might be used in small classrooms, large lectures (we have conducted experiments with 350 students in a lecture theatre), or MOOCs. The goal of FROG is to make it easier for educational researchers to design experiments around scripting and orchestration, to make algorithms and novel visualizations actually usable by teachers, and to serve as a research platform around orchestrating large classrooms, flexible synchronous learning, online learning, pedagogical scripts and automated prompts.
This talk will describe the design of FROG, the theory behind Orchestration Graphs, as well as our ongoing research, both around Learning Analytics (automatically detecting collaboration roles from collaborative writing traces, predicting student completion times to guide teacher orchestration), and classroom studies ranging from CSCL scripts in small classrooms, teacher orchestration in large lectures (n=300), and knowledge work with document annotations in a fully online course.

Les séminaires BrownBag sont organisés par TECFA et sont ouverts à tous.

BrownBag Seminar
Jeudi 28 février 2019 | 12h15 -13h15
Uni-Mail, salle S050, entrée libre